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  • Lola Martin

Aching for More

Updated: May 12, 2020

I often find myself aching for something. Like my cup - my life - is constantly in a state of being half-empty or half-full, whichever you prefer.

The issue is, I never know exactly what I’m aching for.

And regardless of what I’m attempting to fill my cup with, I’m still seeing a grayscale palette instead of a rushing flood of color.

Now I’m stuck in a rut, feeling like moving forward from this state seems unattainable and what I actually need is three inches in front of me but I’m struggling to grab a firm hold of it.

Do you ever find yourself feeling like this?

How often do we find ourselves drowned in our own busyness? Studies, work, chores, health, relationships, and community.

Don’t take this the wrong way. The last thing I’d want you to think is that I’m opposed to the wonderful seven aspects of life I mentioned above.

But let’s be frank here, are we using these things rightfully, or are we using them to distract us from the One thing that really matters?

What if I told you what you were longing for wasn’t something, but merely Someone?

Would you believe me if I told you that this Someone is the only way in which you’re able to find lasting rest and peace even among the chaos of your life?

Well, it’s true. I’ve experienced it first-hand.

In all my searching for material things, in all my endless searching for a significant other, in all my settling for a mediocre life… I’ve only found one person was able to satisfy it all: Jesus.

Our Father created us out of sheer gratuitous love, not because He had to. He is a generous God, and He desires to love us fully and intimately.

Let’s take this a step further.

Not only were we made by Him, but we were made for Him. In the long run, this means that we were made to love, simply because He is love.

Our decision to love is only the first stepping stone of this journey we call, life, and it’s one of the best foundations to have.

So why do we settle for a cup that is half-full?

My prayer is that this Lent, we find ourselves persevering in the journey to pursue what’s Eternal.

Mediocrity, begone! It’s time to open wide the doors of our hearts and allow goodness to freely and spontaneously flow within us.

If we do this - if we say “yes” to Christ - we will be set free.

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